
Altri Links utili per informarsi su Fukushima
Monitoring information of environmental radioactivity level byMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) in Japan http://radioactivity.mext.go.jp/en/
Global Conference for A Nuclear Free World 2 : Nuclear Free Now! http://npfree.jp/english.html
Greenpeace International http://www.greenpeace.org/international/en/campaigns/nuclear/
The Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial For the Right to Education in a Safe Place http://fukushima-evacuation-e.blogspot.jp/ (en) http://fukushima-evacuation-r.blogspot.jp/ (ru) http://fukushima-evacuation-c.blogspot.jp/ (ch) http://fukushima-evacuation-s.blogspot.jp/ (es) http://fukushima-evacuation-g.blogspot.jp/ (de) http://fukushima-evacuation-f.blogspot.jp/ (fr) http://fukushima-evacuation-i.blogspot.jp/ (it)
The Condition of the Specially Designated Recommended Evacuation Zone
CRMS Citizen’s Radioactive Measuring Station,
Tuesday December 11, 2012 https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2tR1I9RUQjAQ212VXZVXy1NSXc
CRIIRAD and CRMS press release of December 5th 2012 about the doses of
radiation for hundreds
of thousands of people still living on very contaminated territories in Japan.
More detailed reports and videos are available at http://www.criirad.org/actualites/dossier2012/fukushima/5dec2012.html
UN Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the
highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, Mr. Anand Grover:
Country Visit to Japan, 15 to 26 November 2012 http://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=12831&LangI
Citizen Conference to Promote our act,
Act concerning the promotion of measures to provide living support to the
Victims, including the children who were affected by the TEPCO Nuclear
Accident in order to protect and support their lives https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2tR1I9RUQjAb083TzNyeFhuSG8
Reports of Kokkai-Jikocho
the National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Independent Investigation Commission (NAIIC) http://warp.da.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/3856371/naiic.go.jp/en/index.html
Reports of Anshin-Anzen Project https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2tR1I9RUQjANnpfM1UyaUNFdXM https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2tR1I9RUQjANkRYUFRIeU51SWs https://docs.google.com/open?id=0B2tR1I9RUQjAYnpTT2R6a3B5a3M
Links tratto da
‘ADDITIONAL INFORMATION SOURCES’ in: Fresh Currents: Japan’s flow from a nuclear past to a renewable future, edited by Eric Johnston, Kyoto Journal – Heian-kyo Media, 2012, p. 166-168. www.freshcurrents.org
Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center: http://www.cnic.jp/english/
“An anti-nuclear public interest organization dedicated to securing a safe, nuclear-free world.” Provides reliable information and public education on all aspects of nuclear power. Independent from government and industry.
Fukushima Update: fukushima.greenaction-japan.org
A blog by Green Action Japan, tracking Japan’s nuclear crisis.
Fukushima Voice: www.greenaction-japan.org
Fukushima Radioactive Contamination Symptoms Research (FRCSR ): US-based site on research and collection of data related to the Fukushima nuclear accident.
Green Action Japan is “A Japanese citizen organization working to end nuclear power in Japan; networks extensively with other domestic and international NGOs.”
Japan Renewable Energy Foundation: http://jref.or.jp/en
Established in September 2011 by Softbank founder and one of Japan’s wealthiest individuals, Masayoshi Son, JREF aims to establish a society based on renewable energy, to research, develop and advocate policies, measures and financial/business models based on the dynamics of markets and society to promote renewable energy, to build up partnerships and networks with international/domestic organizations and civil societies; and to promote capacity building and support public awareness for further recognition and deployment of renewables.
Japan for Sustainability: www.japanfs.org/en
“Established in 2002, a non-profit organization providing information on developments and activities in Japan that lead toward sustainability.” Richly informative, mostly tracking Japanese technological innovations and local initiatives.
Japan Iceland Energy Forum 2010: www.japanicelandgeothermal.com/eng
“An update from leading experts in geothermal energy development and utilization issues on the experiences and future challenges in Iceland, Japan and relevant developing countries.”
No Nukes Asia Forum: http://www18.ocn.ne.jp/~nnaf/index-e.htm
Working against the spread of nuclear technology throughout Asia
Winifred Bird: www.winifredbird.com
Kyoto Journal contributor, environmental journalist; provides excellent background on renewables in Japan
among other thought-provoking articles.
Climate Access: www.climateaccess.org
“increasing public support for climate policies and engagement in programs that help people, organizations and communities change their energy and other carbon-intensive behaviors.
Eco Village International Network:
Broadly-focused alternative lifestyle Facebook page
Earth Policy Institute: www.earth-policy.org/data_center/C23
Lester Brown’s think-tank, key material on climate, energy & transportation
Energy Refuge: www.energyrefuge.com
“Provides alternative energy news, environmental articles, and energy saving tips. We focus on alternative energy because it is now being looked at as a means of fueling our economy as we move away from oil dependence.”
European Commission on Energy: http://ec.europa.eu/energy/index_en.htm
EU energy policy on renewables
Fairewinds Energy Education http:www.fairewinds.org
Arnie & Maggie Gunderson‘s non-profit organization founded in 2008 to educate the public about nuclear power and other energy issues. See also http://fairewinds.jp
NukeFree.org: http://www.nukefree.org/
“Committed to preventing the construction of new nuclear reactors and helping to pave the way for an energy economy based on renewables, efficiency and conservation” US-based, founded by musicians Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash, along with long time energy activists Harvey Wasserman and Tom Campbell.
Nuclear Information and Resource Service: www.nirs.org/home.htm
“Founded in 1978 to be the national information and networking center for citizens and environmental activists concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation and sustainable energy issues.”
Rocky Mountain Institute: www.rmi.org
Amory Lovins: “RMI’s style is non-adversarial and trans-ideological, emphasizing integrative design, advanced technologies, and mindful markets. Our strategic focus… is to map and drive the transition from coal and oil to efficiency and renewables.”
Smart Planet: Cleantech: www.smartplanet.com/topics/cleantech
Cleantech, short for “clean technology,” describes products or services that improve operational performance, productivity, or efficiency while reducing costs, energy consumption and carbon emissions – also referred to as “green tech.”
Smart Planet: Sustainability: www.smartplanet.com/topics/sustainability
Sustainability looks at the consequences of economics through a social and ecological lens: analysis of economic, environmental and social impact (the “triple bottom line”) to ensure process, and ultimately financial, efficiency.
Sustainable Energy for All: www.sustainableenergyforall.org
An initiative launched by the United Nations Secretary-General that brings all key actors to the table to make sustainable energy for all a reality by 2030.
UNDP: 2012 International Year of Sustainable Energy for All: www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/ourwork/environmentandenergy/focus_areas/sustainable-energy/2012-sustainable-energy-for-all
“…access to modern affordable energy services in developing countries is essential for the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.”
Worldwatch Institute: www.worldwatch.org/climate-energy
“Identifies key components of energy and transportation systems that aim to de-carbonize the global economy, boost energy efficiency, spur innovation and job creation, address resource scarcity, and reduce local environmental pollution.
Cleantechnica: Renewable Energy: www.cleantechnica.com/category/alternative-energy
“Covering the cleantech industry obsessively since 2008, before it was popular for mainstream media to dedicate blogs or subdomains to the topic.” Multiple postings daily.
Energy Boom Policy: www.energyboom.com/policy/news
“We scour the globe every morning for the latest news on renewable energy. Sign up for our
daily e-briefing and get a quick snapshot of what’s hot in renewable energy today.”
Energy Matters: www.energymatters.com.au/renewable-energy
Demystifying the technical details of practical home solar-power systems (Australia)
ENENEWS: www.enenews.com
Daily updates on Japan/Fukushima, US/Canada/, World
Renewable Energy World: www.renewableenergyworld.com/rea/home
“World’s #1 Renewable Energy Network for News & Information.” Focuses on renewable energy: solar, wind, geothermal, bioenergy, hydropower.
Sky Group: www.sky-gr.org
An Osaka based consortium of SME venture companies with the most advance technologies in a wide spectrum of ecology based industries.
Triple Pundit: People, Planet, Profit: www.triplepundit.com/topic/energy-options-pros-and-cons
“An innovative new-media company for the business community that cultivates awareness and understanding of the Triple Bottom Line —an expanded spectrum of values and criteria for measuring organizational (and societal) success: economic, ecological and social.”
Nuclear Roulette: The Case against the “Nuclear Renaissance”: http://ifg.org/pdf/Nuclear_Roulette_book.pdf
Gar Smith, edited by Ernest Callenbach, forward by Aileen Mioko Smith, June 2011
KILLING OUR OWN — The Disaster of America’s Experience with Atomic Radiation: www.ratical.org/radiation/KillingOurOwn
History of nuclear industry in the US, by Harvey Wasserman & Norman Solomon
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Global Energy Assessment (GEA): www.iiasa.ac.at/Research/ENE/GEA/index.html
“Defining a new global energy policy agenda, one that transforms the way society thinks about, uses and delivers energy and to facilitate equitable and sustainable energy services for all, in particular the two billion people who currently lack access to clean, modern energy.”
The World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2010-2011—Nuclear Power in a Post-Fukushima
World Mycle Schneider, April 201: www.worldwatch.org/bookstore/publication/world-nuclear-industry-status-report-2010-2011-nuclear-power-post-fukushima-wo
“In 2010, for the first time, worldwide cumulative installed capacity from wind turbines, biomass, waste-to-energy, and solar power surpassed installed nuclear capacity.”
Third Industrial Revolution European Society http://cetri-tires.org/press
In French: http://fukushima.over-blog.fr http://www.vivre-apres-fukushima.fr http://www.criirad.org
in Italian:
Energia Felice: Associazione affiliata all’ARCI, al servizio della conversione ecologica http://www.energiafelice.it
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